Don’t Overthink Things- Just Do It! 6 easy to apply tips when starting a course or submitting your first assignment.

Careerhouse 19/10/2021
Online Short Courses, Online learning, General, Tips for success, Study Tips, Short Courses
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We all know the famous brand whose tagline is “Just Do It”, and they’re not wrong. Returning to study can be tricky and will often feel overwhelming for the first few weeks. Yet, when it comes to getting started, the best thing you can do is just to dive in, don’t overthink it!

Here are our six easy to apply tips when starting a course or submitting your first assignment.

Plan to succeed.
If you’ve been procrastinating, one of the first steps to success is to plan for it. Ensuring you’ve created a realistic schedule for yourself, allocated an appropriate amount of time each week to study and got yourself the right equipment can go a long way in boosting your confidence.

Get started on day one.
When your course begins, it is a good idea to get started on day one. If you put off study, it is really easy to fall behind. Especially if the course is very content-heavy, requiring a certain number of hours each week to get through everything you need. Falling behind might mean you can’t catch up and may result in missing key assignment deadlines.

Start early on your assignments.
You can never start too early when it comes to assignments. Even if you don’t fully understand the content right at the beginning, making a start on the research and writing early on means, you have more time later for editing, reviewing, and rewriting if necessary.

Focus on the goal.
Whether starting a long degree or participating in a shorter course, focusing on the outcome you want to achieve can help you get into it faster. If you decide to make an effort to enrol and invest the money into your ongoing education. In that case, there’s a good chance this qualification will help you further your career. Creating long-term goals can be a good way of helping you get that textbook open.

Try meditation or motivational videos.
Despite doing all of the above, you might still be struggling to get started. Why not try a guided meditation or motivational video to help calm the external thoughts and provide you with the focus you need to get started.

Finally, take short breaks.
You don’t have to do all ten hours of study for the week on the first day. Instead, just as you might do in your regular workday, take short breaks every 30-60 minutes. A drink, a snack or 25 push-ups might be all you need to feel refreshed and allow your mind time to refocus on the course content.

Your future self will thank you for just getting started!