How to identify what type of learner are you.

Careerhouse 29/04/2021
General, Online learning
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If you have difficulty keeping up with your studies but aren’t sure why, or perhaps you’re trying to retain new information and engage with the work but can’t. It might be useful to know which of the three common learning styles you relate to most and how you can effectively apply it to how you study going forward.

Visual – You prefer using pictures and images.

Visual learners process information best when given with images drawn, charts, or graphics. These learners usually process images before reading the printed text. Visual learners prefer when directions are printed rather than spoken, and may often write or doodle when imagining or trying to make sense of new information. They can then quickly retain information once they’ve written or drawn it down. They also like to visually compartmentalise information as they learn to link thoughts and ideas.

Auditory – You prefer using sound and music.

Auditory learners process information best when said aloud. They favour listening to a lecture than reading written notes, and they often use their voices to reinforce new concepts and ideas. which is why they choose lectures or group presentations to acquire new information. They love to work in groups and enjoy team discussions. Auditory learners often benefit from listening to recordings to absorb new concepts, prefer verbal directions, and use repetition or repeat things to themselves to commit them to memory.

Kinaesthetic – You prefer using your body, hands.

Kinaesthetic learners, sometimes called tactile learners, learn through experiencing or doing things. These learners prefer to do more hands-on things and like to touch and feel objects and quickly recall things they’ve done physically versus what they’ve heard or read. Kinaesthetic learners like to make and create things using their hands and retain information best when they are actually involved. They can sometimes stand up, move around or act out information to remember it. Kinaesthetic learners like to join in the process by watching or assisting, and prefer to narrate concepts to learn new information.