How to write a job-scoring resume.

Careerhouse 24/08/2021
General, Tips for success, Online learning
9. Resume

Whether you’re finishing studies or looking to step up your career in 2021, you’re going to need a killer resume. Adopt these tips, and you will be on your way to getting the job you want.

Take out the objective.

If you’re applying for a job, you should want it – expressing that in your resume is entirely unnecessary. You can cover your desire for the role in your cover letter.

Keep it short and concise.

It’s time to remove the clutter! If it’s not related to the role you want – get rid of it. If it doesn’t fit on one to two pages – it’s not worth writing! Keep your record of skills relevant to the job you’re applying for; this may mean you have to modify your resume for any new application.

Within the two pages, here is precisely what you need to include, no more and no less:

  • Full name and current contact details
  • Short summary
  • Relevant links
  • Work experience
  • List key skills – relevant to the job
  • Education, qualifications and awards
  • References

Eliminate any unnecessary information.

There is no need to include your age, marital status, religion or place of birth – this may have been the norm in the past; however, it’s now illegal for your employer to ask you these questions. Don’t include any bank details for added protection and keep your address to suburb and postcode.

Have a clear format.

This one is a MUST. Have a clear format to make it easier for your potential employer to read, saving them time and energy.

Choose one text font that’s easy to understand and avoid writing in the first or third person. Use bullet points below headlines when necessary, and avoid using complicated layouts. Be sure to use spell check or a writing app such as Grammarly – to pick up any grammatical blunders.

Be professional.

Are you still using the email address you set up when Hotmail came about in the 1990s? If you answered yes, now is the time to set up a new one for your future job applications. Also, out of respect for your current employer, avoid using your current work email address and phone number.

MAKE sure you follow the submission requirements.

Above all else, you won’t get far if you don’t follow the job descriptions’ requirements. Check what file format is needed (doc, pdf). Does the application need to be sent or addressed in a certain way? By following the requirements and being attentive to detail, you will stand out from those who haven’t.